Jataka Tale 7. The Empty Lake

Noorunissa Inayat-Khan's BiographyNoor Inayat-Khan Memorial TrustDonate to Noor's Memorial Trust

In a beautiful lake, a lake covered with waterlilies, many fish had met together; they had gathered to hear a story told by one of them.

“Once upon a time”, the story ran, “in this lake of ours was a king, a great king. He was a fish as we, with a golden back, but so much more golden still. Yes, those who live on earth have many stars in the sky at night, but he was the star of our sky, and when all was dark he lighted the way through the waters.

Now it happened that Queen Rain forgot to send showers on earth before the time of heat. Day after day mother Earth and the thirsty sunrays drank the water of our lake. And King Wind, blowing fire from east to west, took all but the last drops away. Alas? Our lake became a pool, and each day crows came and devoured our companions. But our King, our dear King, spoke in a soft whisper, and his words reached far above the earth. Queen Rain, hearing his call, looked down from above, the fairies who carry the water vessels and those who lead the clouds through the sky awoke from their sleep, and King Thunder, hearing the prayer, stood up and called to his army: 'I command you all: fire!'

Immediately the whole world shook. The cloud-leaders marched through the sky; the cannons of King Thunder shot flashes of lightning from east to west, the great sky opened, showing the light within, and water poured forth. The raindrops fell heavily, but the sound was sweet to our ears, telling us what the fairies were saying in the sky. And as we listened our little drooping heads were lifted again.

But our King feared that the water vessels would be taken away before the lake was full, and he spoke louder:

'King of Thunder, Queen of Rain,
Show your power once again,
Pour the water more and more
Till our lake is as before.'

As these words the water rushed from the sky as from a mountain torrent. Thunder crashed and the whole world shook. The burning sunrays at last were covered and the crows chased far away. And descending slowly from the sky, King Thunder and Queen Rain flew from their abode, and came down on earth. 'It is your love, o sweet one', they said to our King, 'which has caused the world to shake and streams of water to pour forth. Do not fear, dear one; never shall this lake be empty again, for your voice shall never be forgotten.' And the lake was filled, and the waterlilies grew again, and we have all lived happy ever after.”